Introducing enhanced security: Dark web monitoring and Endpoint Central integration

Introducing enhanced security: Dark web monitoring and Endpoint Central integration

We are excited to announce the newest threat detection, investigation and response capabilities of Log360!

Dark web monitoring:

Continuously scan the dark web for leaked credentials and personal information associated with your organization, employees, and third-party vendors. Our partnership with Constella Intelligence ensures real-time alerts on compromised domains and assets, allowing for swift threat investigation and response.

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Enhanced endpoint security:

Log360 seamlessly integrates with ManageEngine Endpoint Central, strengthening your endpoint protection. Leverage advanced correlation rules, custom alerts, and incident workflows to:
  • Detect potential exploits targeting vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

  • Identify privilege escalation, lateral movement, and zero-day attacks.

  • Efficiently mitigate threats by directly patching vulnerabilities.

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Other features in this release include:

  1. External threat feeds integration:

You can now import Sigma rules into Log360 as alert profiles and detect security threats.  

Sigma is a widely adopted format for security signatures, allowing you to detect suspicious activities in your environment.  

  1. Log360 now supports comprehensive monitoring of your Salesforce Cloud environment.

      3. Enhancements:

Correlation rule package:

Log360 now adds 16 new predefined correlation rules complementing the new features released to level up threat detection. This new package includes rules for detecting living off the land attacks.


Stay ahead of cyber threats with Log360's advanced security capabilities.

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