Interface Descriptions Not Showing Correctly

Interface Descriptions Not Showing Correctly


I am in the eval period of NFA and have a quick question:

One of my core frame-relay routers is a newer Cisco 2835 that is setup with ATM/IMA frame interfaces instead of your typical Serial with sub-interfaces and PVC's defined.

Within the config, I have:

interface ATM0/IMA3.125 point-to-point
description Frame-Relay link to Indy

But for whatever reason, NFA is showing that router's interfaces as IfIndex2, 14, 16, etc and it carries no correspondence whatsoever. I have to look at the source IP's showing up under that interface just to find out which frame connection I am looking at. Is there a way I can correct this at the router (preferably) or even if it means editing a file in NFA to show the correct description, I would do that.

Thanks in advance.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?