Integrate NFA with external MySql server

Integrate NFA with external MySql server


Do you want to use NFA with you already installed MySQL server? Make this steps:
1. Before first run NFA modify next files:
--- nms-service.xml.orig 2005-02-03 17:15:13.000000000 +0500
+++ nms-service.xml 2005-04-21 14:20:34.000000000 +0600
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<mbean code="com.adventnet.persistence.service.PersistenceService" name="user:service=PersistenceService">
<attribute name="JndiName">persistence</attribute>
- <attribute name="StartDBServer">true</attribute>
+ <attribute name="StartDBServer">false</attribute>
./server/default/deploy/mysql-ds.xml: change to you values:
2. Create in you MySQL user 'netflow_user' with password 'netflow_passwd'. Create new database 'netflow' and grant to 'netflow_user' rights to this created database (remember what you must assign 'FILE' permission because NFA use 'load data infile ...' SQL-statement to insert values from files in DBs.
3. Run NFA. All needed tables will be created in new database on you server.

Some bugs in current version of the NFA to be fully compatible with such scheme:
a. Don't use this on MySQL 4.1 - developers use TIMESTAMP columns, but in 4.1 this type was changed. (NFA make a queries and wait for '20040421101112' but got '2004-04-21 10:11:12').
b. Developers must use 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' instead 'LOAD DATA INFILE' - this more secure or you must run NFA on same host where you MySQL running.

With this exceptions all worked fine. Good job AdventNet, thanks.

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