we like to install OPManager (build 10100) + ApplicationsManager 11 on one server.
At the moment both programs are installed one one testserver and the performance is really bad.
Testserver, installed 2 months ago, is a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with an IntelXeon 3.6 GHz processor and 5 GB RAM.
The ApplicationsManager on the testserver has currently 214 monitors and the postgrsql-DB has a size of 3,37 GB.
The OPManager on the testserver has currently 63 monitored devices with 1872 monitored interfaces. The postgrsql-DB has a size of 9,88 GB.
The new server will be also a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 installed on a Bladeserver with 2 x DualCore 3 GHz with 16 GB RAM.
Will the new server powerful enough to host both applications?
Is it recommended to run both applications on one server?
Which kind of DB is recommended for this kind of installation (two postgresql, two mysql, two mssql?...or can we use one of these DB’s for both applications?
Kind regards