Initial Configuration Questions
Several questions concerning configuration:
1) Under the Recommended System Setup:
Run EventLog Analyzer on a separate, dedicated PC or server. The software is resource intensive, and a busy processor may cause problems in collecting event logs.
My question are: Where would I find the setup procedures for a split
Is there a requirement for both the "collector" and the analyzer
to have the same OS?
The configuration I am considering is:
COLLECTOR: SUN Sparc configuration running Solaris 10 with ~ 1 Terabyte of disk space for logs.
ANALYZER: "Souped" DELL running 2003.
Collection environment will consist of:
Router and firewall logs
Various UNIX flavors
Various Windows flavors
I would prefer the environment be a total SUN/UNIX environment, but
"If EventLog Analyzer has been installed on a UNIX machine, it cannot collect event logs from Windows hosts.".
Is that still the case? If so, does the collector have to be on a Windows platform, or does that apply to the analyzer or both?
New to ADSelfService Plus?