Impact of unmanaging interfaces

Impact of unmanaging interfaces


We are successfully using NFA with Brocade routers and sFlow. We are running several interconnected routers, thus traffic can flow through multiple routers. We extensively make use of IP groups. In order to not count traffic multiple times, we currently only sample interfaces on the perimeter of our backbone. This way we measure traffic coming in from the outside on the transit router and traffic going out on the router connecting the customer. For billing purposes this works great.

Now we'd like to use sFlow data for additional purposes and would like to enable sampling on all interfaces of all routers. Would it be an option to UnManage e.g. all non-customer ports in NFA to get correct billing data?

Basically I'd like to understand the impact of unmanaging an interface.
Example: We've got interface 1 and interface 2, both have sFlow sampling activated, so we do see incoming and outgoing traffic. If I now unmanage interface 2, will this traffic be dropped in NFA as a whole or will traffic still be counted as int 1 is active?

I have read several forum posts where you indicate to be working on a feature to bind IP groups to interfaces, but I understand this has not yet been implemented?! So I need a solution working now.


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