Imagestream router and NetFlow Analyzer not working as expected

Imagestream router and NetFlow Analyzer not working as expected

I am testing this product with a single ImageStream router. I have two interfaces on the router, eth1 and eth0. Both interfaces are configured to dump flows to the NetFlow Analyzer box.  The router has multiple network on eth1, with a class c sub-netted.

The router shows up ok, I see Interface ID: IfIndex255

I have set some group ips. by network and ip.

On the interface speed for the router, there is no IN only OUT. Why?
On the Dashboards tab, Top devices by speed Pie graph, says No Data to Display. Why?
And of course, all the other tabs with IN OUT columns only show OUT.

Have I configured something wrong? Do I not understand how this works?
It is almost like the eth0 data is not showing up/ being collected.

Another point of error:
In the IP group, I am setting the bps to 5,000,000 or 5Mbs. I would expect the 95th percentile to be 5Mbs*.95 = 4.75 Mbps. But when I look on the graph, the line for the 95th percentile is sightly above 1 Mps. That seems just wrong. What am I missing here?

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