HWg-STE SNMP Temp Sensor - MIB

HWg-STE SNMP Temp Sensor - MIB


I have problems implementing our new SNMP Temp sensor in Opmanager.

1. The MIB I got from the manufacturer doesn't get accepted by Opmanager. I used an other SNMP browser which accepted the MIB file.

I attached a screenshot from the 3rd party SNMP browser (snap.png) and the MIB to the topic.

2. I tried to add a new sensor to the Template using . (RFC-1213) which seems to be compatible with the sensor. Regarding the Opmanager SNMP browser I need . which shows the current temperature. (snap2.png)

I hope someone can help me out here. Thanks in advance.


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?