ip netstream export version 9
ip netstream export index-switch 32
ip netstream timeout active 1
ip netstream timeout inactive 15
ip netstream export template timeout-rate 1
ip netstream export template option sampler
ip netstream export template option timeout-rate 1
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 500 inbound
ip netstream sampler fix-packets 500 outbound
ip netstream export source
ip netstream export host 1234
And also i have activated in a specific vlan i want to monitor the following two commands:
interface Vlanif10
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
However the Manageengine Netflow anlyser shows me the speed multiplied by two !
That is the traffic is inbound at 60 Mbps and the Analyser displays 120 Mbps .
The same is true for the outbound traffic , it shows double than it is in reality.