Dear Support,
We have a problem with montoring the memory of our HP-UX systems since we updated Opmanager to version 10100. The CPU Utilization works fine, but the Memory uUtization meter stays on 0%
To execute the command (seen on another topic) : T=`/usr/contrib/bin/machinfo |awk '/Memory/'|awk -v c=0 '{for (i=0;i<=NF;i++) if($i=="MB") c=i-1;}{print $c}'`;F=`vmstat 1 3|awk -v c=0 '{for (i=0;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="free") c=i;} {print $c}'|tail -1`;echo "scale=3; ((($T-($F*4/1024))/$T)*100)"|bc
We get a response from the UX.
Some screenshots:
In the attachment you find the HostResource.xml
I hope you can help us. Many thanks.
Best regards,