How to use a webserver as front-end to AppManager8?

How to use a webserver as front-end to AppManager8?

I'm evaluating AppManager build 8100.
Did set up a site in IIS 6 with nice domain name and isapi_redirect.dll.
Then tried to uncomment AJP connector in bundled tomcat's server.xml but it's getting commented out on each AppManager's service start. :(
What is am.webcontainer.port=18009 in meant for? It seems not to be used.

BTW, both and Q#21 have notion of httpd.conf which is not present in AppManager8.

I've also noticed that am.mysql.port and am.rmiregistry.port are changed on each AppManager restart. says that am.webcontainer.port can also be changed, but this is not acceptable in case of using front-end server connected to this port.
Is there any way to force the ports to be fixed?

Vadim Kopichenko

                New to ADSelfService Plus?