How to search conversations? Or find an audit log of all emails received into servicedesk?

How to search conversations? Or find an audit log of all emails received into servicedesk?


We received an email from a customer on 15/03/2023 at 3:54PM, and another on 16/03/2023 at 3:03PM.

I can see on M365 Exchange that these were successfully resolved/delivered from the relevant inbox to our servicedesk inbox.

From there, I can't find either of these two emails. I have tried doing an advanced search for the Description, but I presume this only searches the description of the ticket, and not any of the conversation replies.

I suspect that the emails might have incorrectly appended themselves as conversation replies to another ticket. How can I search if that is the case?

Or, is there a way to trace an email received into servicedesk and follow the trail of what happened to it?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?