how to run ServiceDesk Plus as a Linux Service in ubuntu server 14.04

how to run ServiceDesk Plus as a Linux Service in ubuntu server 14.04

please help as cannot start the service desk as linux service. already follow below instruction, but failed. 

Follow the steps given below to run ServiceDesk Plus as a start up service.
Step1:  Download the servicedesk.txt file  click here
Step2:  Copy the servicedesk.txt file to /etc/init.d/
# cp servicedesk.txt /etc/init.d/servicedesk 
Step 3:  Edit the servicedesk file to modify the MDIR Variable. MDIR refers to /bin. Typically, if you have installed ServiceDesk Plus as a guest user, then MDIR will be, 
Step 4:  Give executable permissions for servicedesk startup script. 
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/servicedesk 
Step 5:  Create a blank file under /var/log for logging purposes. 
# touch /var/log/servicedesk-plus.log 
Step 6:  Use chkconfig command to add the script as a startup process. 
# chkconfig --add servicedesk  

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