How to order configurations?

How to order configurations?

I am using DesktopCentral for almost two years now, but what I couldn't achieve was to deploy several configurations and expect them to be applied "chronologically".

What I did:
1. Config, SW install to all machines - save + deploy via scheduler to next day, 01 am
2. Config, SW install to half of the machines - save + deploy via scheduler to next day, 02 am
3. Config, SW install to only few machines - save + deploy via scheduler to next day, 03 am

What I would expect is:
Client starts up, Agent looks for work to do, sees new configs and starts with the "oldest" one, so applying: 1 -> 2 -> 3
Client starts up, Agent looks for work to do, sees new configs and starts with the earliest schedule time: 1 -> 2 -> 3

This does NOT happen.
Some PCs (not all) choose "randomly" which configuration gets applied first...

How can I control the order of execution of my configurations?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?