How to modify UI form Login and Page login

How to modify UI form Login and Page login


I want to modify UI form login and Login page.
I saw tutorial in  this post . But it's not everything that I need.
I want modify more.
I find file "DomainLogin.html" in  "ManageEngine\ADSelfService Plus\webapps\adssp\html" .and get some code :

  1. <div id="LoginFrame" name="LoginFrame" objtype="LoginFrame" style="position: absolute; width: 325px; height: 205px; float: left; left: 571px; top: 76px; cursor: pointer;visibility:visible;;" class="whitetable ui-draggable dashedLineMOut"><div id="LoginFrame_txt" style="display: none;clear:both;" align="center"></div><iframe id="domainLogin" name="domainLogin" height="250" width="100%" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="images/admin-bg-center.gif" style="position:absolute; z-index:0;" application="yes"></iframe></div>
I can't modify it.... can't make nice page login.
Please tell me how to modify it??

Thanks !
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