How to manage file server access permissions in bulk with ADManager Plus

How to manage file server access permissions in bulk with ADManager Plus

If you are one of those people who say your organization is secure and you have no vulnerabilities in your access and permissions management practices, you are either using ADManager Plus to its full potential or you need to look closer.


Management of file server access permissions is a critical part of identity and access management.  The key to efficient file server management is to ensure a well-defined permission management policy, with no room for misuse of permissions or breaching of data, is in place. But enforcing this and manually managing NTFS and share permissions for file servers can be a daunting task. With ADManager Plus, you can manage the access permissions of multiple folders and files at once, or granularly assign permissions for individual files and folders. The following steps will guide you with updating the NTFS permissions in bulk in a few clicks.


Steps to modify NTFS file server permissions with CSV import


  1. Navigate to Management >  File Server Management > CSV Import > Modify bulk NTFS permission.

  2. Select the Domain that contains the user accounts whose permissions have to be modified.

  3. Click on Import CSV option to add the user accounts to be modified, from a CSV file. Refer to this page for more information about CSV files and supported headers.

  4. From the Advanced Settings option, at the bottom-right corner of the page, choose 'Yes' from the Inheritable Permissions drop down menu to configure inheritance permissions for the settings that are being modified. Based on your needs, you can choose to,

    • Remove all existing permissions and apply only the above permissions - All pre-existing permissions will be replaced with the new permissions for only the selected object and not the descendant objects

    • Replace all existing inheritable permissions on all descendants with inheritable permissions from this object - All the permissions that the descendants had inherited from other objects will be cleared and instead only the inheritable permissions from this object will be applied to them.

  5. Click Modify Permissions to finish.


Know more about ADManager Plus' file server management capabilities, here.

Tune in next week for another quick tip for better identity and access management!



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