How to manage and report on Isilon and NetApp file servers efficiently using ADManager Plus

How to manage and report on Isilon and NetApp file servers efficiently using ADManager Plus

"Oh! Absolutely any random person can walk into our office and look at any confidential document they want to!" - said no organization ever. But this is exactly what happens when access and permissions are not managed securely. Managing file servers in an Active Directory environment can be very tedious, and when it's done manually for every user, it racks up substantial hours for the system administrator. Adding to this, they also need to focus on providing temporary permissions when needed, revoking excess permissions and more. This gets more tedious when the system administrators have to manage access and permissions for multiple servers. ADManager Plus provides an easy solution to this with capabilities like,

  • Bulk management of access permissions

  • Time-bound automated provisioning and revoking of access

  • Reporting on access and permissions to file servers

  • Centralized management and reporting on permissions and access to Windows, Netapp and Isilon file servers.

With ADManager Plus you can equip IT admins to securely provide all the required access and permissions to employees so they can hit the ground running, right from their first day.


Steps to configure Netapp and Isilon servers in ADManager Plus

  1. Login to ADManager Plus and navigate to Management tab > File Server Management> Configuration > Manage File Servers

  2. This window displays the list of all file servers that have been currently configured in ADManager Plus.

    Note: If needed, you can also remove any server from the list when required by selecting the server and using the delete button on the top of the list.
  3. Alternately, you can also click Manage NetApp Servers or Manage Isilon Servers directly and click Add File Servers located at the top-right corner to add a new file server.

  4. The pop-up displays the list of all servers. Select the desired computer(s) using the checkboxes and click OK.

  5. The newly added file servers will be added to the existing list. Once this is completed, the new file servers can also be managed and reported on using ADManager Plus.


Know more about ADManager Plus' file server management capabilities, here. Tune in next week for another quick tip for better identity and access management!



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