How to make the most of GPO reports to tighten security in your organization

How to make the most of GPO reports to tighten security in your organization

The most common rookie mistake, one that is often exploited by attackers, is using Windows off-the-shelf with the default settings. There are numerous vulnerabilities that arise due to improperly configured settings. ADManager Plus' user-friendly GPO management options and reports can help you analyze the existing settings, identify possible vulnerabilities and enforce safer practices.


For example, enabling the access to the control panel for help desks or other desks or entry level technicians, can lead to disastrous consequences, and may even leave your organization vulnerable to attacks. The 'GPOs for specific settings'  report can help you identify and manage the settings right from the report. Additionally ADManager Plus has added insightful reports on GPOs like GPOs with Script, and Compare GPO Versions report.


The following steps will guide you with generating GPO reports using ADManager Plus.


1. Navigate to Reports and click on GPO reports.

2. Select the desired report and the domain, and click Generate.


To schedule and export a report,


1. Navigate to Reports > Schedule Reports > Create Schedule.

2. Enter a suitable Name and Description for the schedule.

3. Choose the Domain and the Reports you wish to schedule. Click on the edit icon next to the chosen report to select the attributes or columns you need in the report.

4.  You can set the frequency of the report generation to be Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or a Custom time period. You can also set the time of the day for the report to be generated.

5. Likewise, you can choose the format (HTML, CSVDE, CSV, PDF or XLSX) in which you want the report to be delivered in the Schedule Report Format section.

6. Enter the email address of the IT managers or security team heads, to whom the report needs to be sent to.

7. Click Save.


Tune in next week for another interesting hack to help you make your identity and access management more efficient.



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