How to keep the Ticket Status when changing Request Template

How to keep the Ticket Status when changing Request Template


When I create a new Request Template, I cannot define the "Status" fiels as "-- select --" in order to keep the previous value.
This means that when I change the template of a Ticket, I cannot keep the Ticket Status as it was before.

Is there a way to define the "Ticket Status" Field as "-- select --"?

I'm asking this because I have created a template with several new fields that are required only for some types of works and in certain conditions.
So, if needed, the tech can change the template and fill up a Request with more fields.
Depending on the situation, he may change the template in any Ticket Status ("Open", "Working" and even "Closed" if the additional information is to be added after the ticket was closed).
The problem is that when he changes the template, the Status will change to what was define as the status for this template.
I need the Status to remain the same as it was before I changed the template.
Is this possible?


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?