How to install & run OpUtils in Cent OS?

How to install & run OpUtils in Cent OS?

Unlike other unix based operating systems like Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc., Cent OS need some specific changes during installation. The steps below will guide you in getting OpUtils installed on a Cent OS:
  1. Download the Linux installable from our website and run the installation. The installation can run either as a normal user or a root user.
  2. After the installation, login as a root user and execute the command: export PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH
  3. Now, run the located under <Install_Dir>/ManageEngine/OpUtils/bin directory. This will install the FireBird database and start.
  4. Edit the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/firebird and look for "FBRunUser=firebird". Change the value of the FBRunUser to "root" from "firebird" and save. (Post correction it should be FBRunUser=root)
  5. Stop Firebird using /etc/rc.d/init.d/firebird stop
  6. Start Firebird using /etc/rc-d/init.d/firebird start
  7. Start Oputils (if you have not installed OpUtils as a root user, you can start as a normal user)

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