How to import Survey data from ServiceDesk Plus to Analytics Plus?

How to import Survey data from ServiceDesk Plus to Analytics Plus?

Helpdesk surveys help you identify how happy your customers really are with your services.

A recent research revealed that 96% of unhappy customers don't complain but, 91% of those unhappy customers leave and never come back. That is sad, isn't it?


That brings me to this topic!


As you know, currently, Analytics Plus doesn't support Survey data from ServiceDesk Plus out of the box. However, Survey module will be supported in one of our future releases but, we know how important it is to you.


"Where there is a will, there is a workaround"


So, here you go finally! The steps to import Survey data and run advanced analytics.


To set this up, you will need- 

  1. To find out the port on which your ServiceDesk Plus' database is running. If you have integrated Analytics Plus with ServiceDesk Plus, check database_connection_params.conf file to find out the connection details.
           File location - C:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\zreports\uploadtool\conf\

      Here is the sample screenshot of the database_connection_params.conf file


     These are the default database ports:

      For Postgres- 65432
      For MY SQL- 33366
      For MS SQL- 1433

      2. Network connectivity between your Analytics Plus server and ServiceDesk Plus server. You should be able to connect to the ServiceDesk Plus database port from the Analytics Plus server. You can use Telnet or Putty to check the connection. 

If ServiceDesk Plus and Analytics Plus are running on the same server, the connectivity should already be there. 

Steps to import survey data


Text Instructions:

Step 1:

Click New and choose New Table / Import Data.

Step 2:

Click Local and Cloud Databases.

Step 3:

Fill the database server details for the connection in the following section and click Next. (In this case, we have chosen Postgres as example)

Step 4:

Choose Custom Query (radio button) and paste the custom query(from attachment) inside the query editor.

Step 5:

Type the table name(Survey_localDB) and choose the proper datatypes for the columns in the preview. Click Next to proceed.

Below are the datatypes for the columns.

Step 6:

Schedule the import and click create to complete the import

Step 7:

Open Survey_LocalDB Table, and select "Request ID". Now, choose " Change to Lookup column" from Column properties drop down


Choose "Request ID" from the Request Table. This is done to link the survey data with the rest of the request related fields. 

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