How to handle masses of patches?

How to handle masses of patches?

Hi @ all,

we are currently performing maintenance for our Windows systems and there is a problem we ran into:

At the beginning of every quarter of the year we check our clients and servers for "missing patches", which we have already deploxed (status approved).

Now, when I look for these patches I get a result of over 300 patches, some are missing on only one client, some are missing at more than 20.

If I image to choose all these patches and deploying them to the clients, the clients will spend very much time checking, whether these patched can be applied. Checking all the updates will be more time than only installing the ones the clients need.

The only other way I can think of is to choose single clients or smaller groups and deploy the patches per client or per group, so there are less patches to be installed/checked per machine.

Does anyone have a better way of doing this? 

                New to ADSelfService Plus?