How to get Technician status if online or offline?

How to get Technician status if online or offline?

Is there a way to get the technician status if online or offline via API? 

So far, with the API v1, here's what I can only get with /sdpapi/admin/requester/{requesterID} method:
        "site": "1",
        "first name": "",
        "businessimpact": ,
        "department": "",
        "last name": "",
        "empId": "",
        "domainName": "-",
        "isvipuser": "",
        "requesterid": "",
        "emailid": "",
        "landline": "",
        "jobtitle": "",
        "costperhour": "",
        "middle name": "",
        "description": "",
        "name": "",
        "account": "",
        "loginName": "",
        "mobile": ""

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