How to force users to use PMP's crypt key for the personal passwords?

How to force users to use PMP's crypt key for the personal passwords?

Context: People like to store their various work-related personal accounts on post-its, excel spreadsheet and notepades, this is not good, as I am sure we are all aware.

Our users are now used to using our corporative PMP for all their work-related non-personal accounts, so it wouldn't be a major step for them to use the personal vault for their work-related personal accounts.

Problem: As per our guidelines we've established with our employees and HR, the personal vault on our coporative PMP is to be used exclusively for work-related accounts. Those accounts' credentials are to be restored to a default password when those employees quit, or else an HR demand with legal approval is done to do a password restore on those accounts, but that isn't possible for all accounts.

It has been therefore demanded that before going further with using the personal vault in PMP, they must use PMP's encryption key, as seen in this screencap of PMP once you disable personal passphrase:

Is there a way that when a user accesses the PMP personal vault for the first time, that either it automatically actives it usign the PMP's encryption key, or to disable other options?

Thank you for your time!

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