How to embed widget

How to embed widget

According to the current How To

"You can embed a widget or a dashboard using an <iframe>. For the benefit of those who have not seen the procedure posted in our forums, here are the steps:

Embedding a Widget

The code snippet to embed a widget is given below:

<iframe src=”http://OpManagerServerName:Port/” width=520 height=400 frameborder=”1” scrolling=”no”>

In the above snippet, replace the src name with the actual host name and the port number on which OpManager is hosted and the ID of the widget that you want to embed. Mouse-over the edit icon on the top right corner of the widget to see the ID."

However it looks like this current "How To" was written on March 2010. When I hover over the edit button in OpManager 12 nothing comes up. In Opmanager11.6 there is an embed icon. How do I do this is version 12

Thank you


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