How to deprovision users along with their Office 365 accounts, home folders and profiles, using ADManager Plus

How to deprovision users along with their Office 365 accounts, home folders and profiles, using ADManager Plus

As opposed to the native Microsoft environment, ADManager Plus allows you to simultaneously delete all the linked home folders, profile, Office 365 accounts, Exchange mailboxes, and more, while deleting an AD user account.


Steps to deprovision users and their linked Office 365 accounts, home folders, and roaming profiles using ADManager Plus:


    1. Login to ADManager Plus and navigate to the Admin tab. 

    2. Click the Delete/Disable policy in the left pane. 

    3. Under the Delete Policy:

      a. Select the Domain of your choice.

      b. Select the Home foldersProfilesMailboxes and Other accountsOffice 365/ G Suite options if you want to delete them whenever the associated AD user account is deleted. 

      c. You can also associate a custom script to be run whenever the user account is deleted.

      d. Save the changes.   

    4. Navigate to the Management tab and select the Delete users option under the Bulk user modification section. 

    5. Select the required Domain/OU and specify the list of users either using a CSV file or by locating them using the Search option.

    6. Click Apply for the changes to take place. Since the home folders and profiles are selected in the delete policy, they will also be deleted while deleting the users. 


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