How to create custom user modification templates with ADManager Plus?

How to create custom user modification templates with ADManager Plus?

What's a task that haunts IT administrators often and almost always comes as a bunch of tasks disguised as one?

User Modification!

It is never just one change. When one user account attribute is changed, the other dependent attribute values also need to be updated. For example, if a user is moved from one team to another, along with his "team" attribute value, usually the "manager", "memberOf" and other attribute values will also need to be updated. Doing this with native tools can be arduous and prone to errors. The no-brainer solution to this is ADManager Plus' user modification templates.

ADManager Plus' reactive user modification templates have features like drag-n-drop customizations, modification rules and more, that work in tandem with the organizations security and IAM policies to modify Active Directory user accounts securely to reduce the time taken and the risk of manual errors.


How to create a custom user modification template in ADManager Plus?


1. Navigate to Management > User Management > User template> User Modification template.

2. Click the Create New Template button on the top-right corner of the page.

3. Enter a suitable Name and Description for the template.

4. Select the Domain in which this template will be used.

5. Click on the Modification rules button for setting up rules to auto-fill desired attributes if the specified conditions are satisfied.

For example, if you want a user's Manager to be changed automatically when the user's Department is changed, it can be done by adding a condition such as "If 'Department' is 'HR' " and adding a corresponding rule - then 'Manager' is 'Alex Brown'.

6. Click on Enable drag n drop button to customize the template by just dragging and dropping the required fields from the Field tray to the appropriate tab of the template and vice versa.

7. If you wish to configure the fields in the template with the attributes of an existing user account, click the Copy user attributes button. To enter the values for all the necessary fields manually, continue with the rest of the steps.

8. Click on General tab.

  • To change the name of this tab, click on the edit icon located before the tab name or double click on the name of the tab and enter a new name.

  • To hide or delete the entire tab and all its fields from the help desk technician during user creation, click on the '-' icon or 'x' icon located beside the tab name.

9. In the General tab, you will be able to find all the fields placed under one single field group. As needed, you can create new field groups and place the related fields in them.

10. Enter the necessary attribute values for the users to be created, in the General tab.

11. Similarly, click on Account, Contact, Exchange, Terminal, and Remote Mailbox tabs, and customize the desired settings.

12. To configure custom attributes, click on Custom Attributes tab.

13. Click Save Template.


Tune in next week for another quick tip for better identity and access management!



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