Hi, First I'm not a scripting guy and I know almost nothing about VB scripting.
I have a deployment of 6 tasks and I want to make sure that step # 2 will not be process if it failed in step #1, and so on for the 6 task.
To do this, i have to run a vbs script before installation or uninstalltion on each steps
I'm trying to use the script form ME support page that i have modified for pre-uninstallation of software and also post-installation of the software.
Pre-uninstallation: The script will look if the specified "exe" exist on the server and if so, than it will run the msiuninstall "application_name".
If the uninstallation is successful, the post-installation script will check if the "exe" file exist again on the server, and it shouldn't find it (because it was deleted from the uninstallation), than it will return an exit code of successful to run the next process.
Here an example:
Step 1: Uninstall "Software#1" with msiuninstall Software#1.exe command
Step 2: Uninstall "Software#2" with msiuninstall Software#2.exe command
Step 3: Install "Software #3"with an .exe extension
Step 4: Re install "Software #2" with an .msi extension
Step 5: Re install "Software #1" with a .msi extension.
Step 6: Send email to confirm the deployment is successful
So i need to validate that step #2 will not process step #3 if it failled on # 2. It need to validate if the file exist before and after.
At the end, Step 6 should send an email to confirm that the 6 steps of the deployment was completed without errors.
Any idea how to do it ?
Many many thanks for all the help !
A desperate guy :)
This is what i have
'This script will look if an .exe file exist for a specific application.
path = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Enterprise\EnterpriseWS\web.config) = true then
exitCode = 0
exitCode = 1
End If
Wscript.Quit exitCode