How can we populate Request ID's and get auto. linked to the Request?

How can we populate Request ID's and get auto. linked to the Request?

Dear All,

We have built a Service Template with five (5) Fields namely:

a) Previous Request ID (Text Field)
b) Previous Request Requester (Text Field)
c) Previous Request Subject (Text Field)
d) Previous Request Description (Multi-line Text Field)
e) Previous Request Status (Text Field)

We would like to populate all Request ID's on Field "a", once specific Request ID is selected it will auto. populate its related details on the next four fields (i.e., b, c, d and e) which are also disabled (view-only fields).

Please note, we would also like to also auto. link this previous request as a child to this request.

Wajahath Farooq

                New to ADSelfService Plus?