History of Deleted Requests & Best Practice Inquiry

History of Deleted Requests & Best Practice Inquiry

If a Request is Deleted (i.e.  someone forwards an email to the helpdesk by mistake and creates a request), what is the best practice for handling removing the erroneous request?

We do not give our technicians the ability to Delete Requests.  

If a request is made to the SDAdmin, we can delete it, but...for audit purposes, how can we get a list of Requests that may have been deleted, and by whom? Can anyone confirm  the request number is retained in the database if it is deleted?

I saw posts suggesting an INVALID Request Type and running Business Rules against that type.  Problem is, those Requests would be classified as Closed and skew the metrics for Requests...but most importantly, if we Classify them as Closed the Closing Rules we have in place would cause extra work to ensure required fields are populated.  Just looking for best practice comments/suggestions.


Cheryl Ankrom
Jennmar Corporation

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