High CPU usage for java.exe & mysqld-nt
We ran in to this problem a few weeks ago, where these 2 processed spiked the cpu at 99% constantly. Using FWA with a Juniper SSG-550. I followed the instructions from another post on this board:
"We found the following error in the log files.
1. Unable to parse as Long SENT
2. Unable to parse as Long RECEIVED
This could be because of some additional characted "=,<,:" character getting appended to "sent" & "rcvd" attributes. We found these values in your logs sent=:63813, sent=<54093,sent==85112.
We do find that there is an issue with the current OS of the Netscreen device, which gives the sent and received bytes along with additional characters, which is not considered by Firewall Analyzer.
As we are one of the official partner of Juniper, we have already taken this issue with them. If you check the release notes as mentioned below, you will see that Juniper has made some fixes for syslog/WELF format issues, that would resolve the issue.
You need to upgrade to new ScreenOS software, where you will have to go through a flash upgrade at r3 also. You can get the files from Juniper, if you have a maintenance contract on the box.
Release notes: (of Version: ScreenOS 5.4.0r4)"
We upgraded to 5.4.0r8, and the problem went away for a few weeks, but now it's back. I looked in today's log, and I see that "unable to parse as long..." line over and over.
Any ideas?
New to ADSelfService Plus?