High Availability - new setup Secondary Server won't start

High Availability - new setup Secondary Server won't start

I have upgraded a primary PMP instance from build 7100 to build 8600. I have downloaded and installed build 8600 and followed the HA setup guide for Postgres. I have tried to start the secondary server but it won't start.

the wrapper.log contains:

NFO   | jvm 1    | 2016/11/24 15:00:00 | Trying to start PostgresSQL server failed

The relevant text in the serverout0.txt seems to be:

[14:53:42:293]|[11-24-2016]|[com.zoho.framework.utils.crypto.EnDecrypt]|[SEVERE]|[27]: Encryption failed|

Any help greatly appreciated.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?