Hide Empty Fields when viewing Request

Hide Empty Fields when viewing Request

I've created multiple forms via ServiceDesk and Service Catalog for my organization. Some are simple and straight forward. Some are very elaborate and can hold a lot of data depending on the users needs when filling out the form.

The more elaborate forms work. My Field and Form Rules expand and shrink the form accordingly depending on what the user fills out. However once submitted, the technician see's every single part of the form whether it was filled in with information or not.

I understand that in ServiceCatalog if I was to use Resources, that once submitted these will not show when a Tech views a form if the Resource itself is empty. However due to some limited functionality of the Resources I was forced to build my forms using Additional Fields. 

My Feature Request is to have an option (per template) to have any Empty Fields hidden when viewing a request. They'd have to show up when you go to Edit the request however, but hiding any empty fields would greatly increase visibility of our forms and the information we need to pull off of them. 

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