Help on put() in Business Rule Custom Function

Help on put() in Business Rule Custom Function

Hi All,

We have just carried out an implementation of SDP Cloud and I am getting to grips with Custom Functions to be able to customise things a bit to the way we work. This is probably a very simple question for anyone that knows Deluge.

I am trying to create a Business Rule which runs during request creation. I have a set of condition which then runs a custom function. Al that custom function has to do is some string formatting on the Subject and change the Requester.

The Subject line bit was easy. My question is how to use put() to write something that has a keyvalue and searchkey.


myVar = requestObj.get("requester").get("email_id");

How do I write something back into this using the put().

requestObj.put("requester":"email_id", newValue);
requestObj.put("requester"."email_id", newValue);
requestObj.put("requester:email_id", newValue);

All the above do not seem to work so what would the format be. The Subject line was easy:

requestObj.put("subject", newValue);

Many Thanks in Advanced.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?