Having multiple support email addresses in Account Settings

Having multiple support email addresses in Account Settings

When we used to use Support Center Plus, we had the ability to specify more than one support email address per account which worked wonderfully.
But in MSP, we can only put one support email address under Email Categorization in the Account settings.
For example: The service desk has an email address (e.g. support@servicedesk.com) and their external customer has an internal address ( support@companya.com) that redirects to the service desk email address.  Some requesters have gotten into the habit of emailing one email address while others email the other email address.
This was not an issue in Support Center Plus with the multiple support email addresses but it is a problem in MSP since we can only associate one address per account.  If we specify support@companya.com as the support email address.  MSP does not know what account to associate emails sent to support@servicedesk.com and we have to manually move them to the correct account each time.
We would like to have the ability to specify more than one support email address per account in MSP

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