Having issues with AD Authentication for user login

Having issues with AD Authentication for user login

Hi guys,

I'm having an issue with AD authentication.

None of the technicians or the requesters can log in using AD credentials. I've set myself up as a local account in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus so that I can use the system.

The domain name is listing correctly in the login screen but is returning a "Username or Password is incorrect" error when trying to log in with AD credentials.

In the Admin - Requesters area I can see that the requesters are all being picked up from AD and listing the correct domain (eg, mydomain.com.au). "Enable Active Directory Authentication" is ticked in Active Directory settings and is scheduled to import once a day.

This is also preventing requesters from logging in using the URL sent in the system emails.

Any thoughts as to what might be causing this?


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?