Handle Spam with Business Rules in SDP MSP 9303+

Handle Spam with Business Rules in SDP MSP 9303+

Hi, we are currently on SDP MSP 9302. I read in the change log for 9303, that there is a change in behaviour for the business rules:
"When Business Rules are applied to move a request to Closed / Resolved / Completed status, the action will be successful only if the Request satisfies the Request closing rules.".
I've setup a Business Rule that automatically closes a Request, if it's moved to a Support Group named "Spam". Usually the Technicians have to fill a lot of mandatory fields, a Worklog and a solution to close a Request. By moving it to the "Spam" Group, they can easily close a Ticket that is not relevant (like Newsletter, Spam, ...).
Seems like we can't use this way in SDP MSP 9303+. Is there a better way to exclude specific Requests from the Request Closing Rules?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?