I am looking for an easy way to filter requests by Account ID. I tried to consume this endpoint api/json/getRequestsByView/. According to the API documentation, you can pass "Search" parameter. However, I wasn't successful in my attempts.
I don't know if this the ideal query for me but what I am after is finding all the open/closed requests by Account ID. It would be great if I can pass an additional date range parameters such as "from" and "to" to further filter the output.
"response": {
"result": {
"requests": {
"request": [{
"accountID": "311",
"status": "Open",
"createdTime": "May 13, 2016 05:51 PM",
"subject": "Purchase Order 10926",
"isOverDue": "false",
"supportRepCostPerHour": "0.00",
"supportRep": "",
"contact": "JOE SMITH",
"statusID": "1",
"requestID": "5544",
"priority": "Normal",
"userTimeFormat": "MMM d, yyyy hh:mm a",
"account": XXX",
"dueByTime": "May 16, 2016 09:51 AM",
"updatedTime": "May 13, 2016 05:51 PM"
"status": "Success",
"statuscode": "200"
"uri": "/api/json/getRequestsByView"