GET_REQUESTS 'from' and 'limit' parameter confusion

GET_REQUESTS 'from' and 'limit' parameter confusion

Hi, I'm trying to use the GET_REQUESTS operation to retrieve all the requests from an on-prem instance of ServiceDesk Plus.  However, I'm a bit confused by the use of the 'from' and 'limit' parameters to create paging behaviour.

I've read the documentation on the method ( and I'm trying to create a loop to retrieve all the requests from the system 50 at a time by updating the 'from' parameter as each set of records are retrieved.  However, I'm struggling to understand how the 'from' parameter works.   I'm using the 'All_Requests' view in the 'filterby' parameter and there are around 15,000 requests in the system.

The behaviour I'm seeing is something like this:

Loop iteration From parameter value Limit parameter value First retrieved request workorderid Last retrieved request workorderid
1 0 50 16871 16822
2 16772 50 None None

I see that the records appear to be retrieved in reverse order, so I'm updating the 'from' parameter value to deal with this, but I don't understand why when I ask for requests beginning from 16772 I get no results back when I know there are requests both above and below this value.

I thought I'd repeat with a different start point other than zero to see what happened, so I started at 10000, and this is the result I got:

Loop iteration From parameter value Limit parameter value First retrieved request workorderid Last retrieved request workorderid
1 10000 50 6310 6259
2 6209 50 10330 10281
3 10231 50 6070 6019
4 5969 50 10588 10530

In all of this, what I don't understand is why when I call GET_REQUESTS with a particular 'from' value parameter I seem to get results that don't relate to the 'from' value I've specified Specifically, if I start with a 'from' value of 16772 I get no results, even when I know there are requests both sides of this value (I can see them in the front end).  If I make the call with a 'from' value of 10000, why do I get values back in the range of 6310 to 6259, and when I start with a 'from' value of 6209 why do I get results in the range 10330 to 10281.

Please, is anyone able to advise how the 'from' and 'limit' parameter values are interpreted in the API calls, and/or explain how I would retrieve a list of all the requests in the system given that it's noted elsewhere in these forums that the API call is limited to 100 records per call.

Any help much appreciated.




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