Get our technicians activity report - online duration

Get our technicians activity report - online duration

I want to get report of online duration of our technicians with sign in and sign out time by day:
for example:

| 2020-04-01 - Friday                                                                |
| technician name | login time | sign out time | Duration | username | status     |  |
| John Doe        | 09:30      | 12:40         | 3:10     | john     | online     |  |
| john Doe        | 12:41      | 13:40         | 01:00    | john     | Logged Out |  |
| john Doe        | 13:41      | 15:40         | 02:00    | john     | online     |  |
| Robert Nelson   | 09:00      | 16:00         | 07:00    | robert   | online     |  |
| 2020-04-02 - Saturday                                                              |
| ...             | ...        | ...           | ...      | ...      | ...        |  |

I'm using build version 10.5.03 with MS SQL.

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