General slowness in basic operations

General slowness in basic operations

Hi ME Team,

Id like to report you an issue of general slowness in SDP. Sometimes it gets son slow that its necessary to reboot it.

From the tab support, i identified that regarding the "count number", it takes almos 1,5 minute to index the table "NotificationToDesc", which is a lot.

Table Name Count Time Taken (ms)
NotificationToDesc 310330 89500
Notification_Recipients 1330703 8016
Arc_Notify_Recipients 1739308 7282

Both SDP server and MSSQL server have 4Gbs RAM and are VM servers of 4 core duo 1,8ghz.

I have come across with this article:

Technician Logins

No. of Nodes

Processor Type

Processor Speed


Free Hard Disk

5-20 50-200 Intel Core Duo 1.7 GHz 1GB 20GB
20-50 200-500 3.4 GHz 2GB 40GB
50-100 500-2000 2*3.4 GHz 4GB 40GB
100-200 1000-5000 4*3.4 GHz 4GB 80GB

but in different scenaries we have no idea, if for example for more than 200 technicians or around with, around 100000 active tickets in only one year, each with minimum 10 notifications (slas, assignement notifications, etc) what will be the desired structure.

The problem is that, SDP is each day impossible to work it, and the IT responsables are considering other softwares to replace it with.

How can you help me in this matter?
Whats the safest scenario to work with SDP MSP, regarding notifications volume, number of technicians, number of nodes, number of costumer accounts and requesters, etc?

My company has SDP MSP working for 3 different countries, with more than 1500 costumer accounts and almost 4 requesters per account.

Thank you very much.


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