[Free webinar] How to measure the success rate of help desk initiatives

[Free webinar] How to measure the success rate of help desk initiatives

Hi folks, 

We're back with an interesting webinar on measuring the success rate of help desk initiatives

Date and time:
August 31, 2023
2pm AEST | 10am GMT | 10am PST

Why attend this webinar? 
It is no secret that prioritizing continuous improvement is crucial in the fast-paced world of help desk operations.

Help desks routinely facilitate process improvement by implementing various strategies. However, understanding the outcomes of these strategies is vital to discover avenues for course correction and strategic improvement. 

Join the webinar to evaluate the success rates of the following help desk strategies, and use these insights to enhance help desk operations. 
  • Implementing chatbots to alleviate technician workload
  • Technological improvements in call queue management to reduce wait times
  • Transition to a pre-order mode of asset procurement to decrease employee wait times
  • Ticket routing automation aimed at improving efficiency
  • Staffing up L1 technicians to improve turnaround time

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