[Free Webinar] Get control of AD security yourself - Securing AD without Microsoft's JIT/JEA ​

[Free Webinar] Get control of AD security yourself - Securing AD without Microsoft's JIT/JEA ​

All organizations need to get control over all privileges granted within Active Directory. Microsoft is attempting to help secure your Active Directory privilege management with two technologies: JIT/JIA. There are significant pitfalls and limitations with these options, which all organizations need to understand. We have developed a simple 5 step process that will help your secure and maintain security over privileges granted within Active Directory.

In this webinar, Derek Melber, AD MVP, will explain how to secure your privileged access and management using 5 simple steps.

Date: June 20th

Time: 2PM EDT


Join this webinar to learn:

  • Why we need to protect privileged accounts
  • What is Microsoft’s JIT/JEA and their pitfalls
  • The 5 steps to secure Active Directory privilege access


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