Free RecoveryManager Plus online workshops – Starting from 6th June, 2017.

Free RecoveryManager Plus online workshops – Starting from 6th June, 2017.

After the resounding success of the first edition of our free online RecoveryManager Plus workshop series, the second edition is here. Join this workshop to learn from our product experts how to use the tool to backup and recover your entire Active Directory environment, and VMware virtual machines. Also, get to know how you can granularly restore attribute level changes made to AD objects, entire objects/ OUs, and entire domain controllers from scratch based on your requirement.

Register now to be a part of these workshops, which will be conducted on all Tuesdays (2 PM EDT) starting from 6th June, 2017 until 20th June, 2017.

This workshop series will shed light on how to:

  • Configure RecoveryManager Plus to backup all components of your Active Directory.
  • Track each change made to AD objects and restore individual changes.
  • Rollback AD to a previously backed up state.
  • Recycle deleted AD objects instantly.
  • Restore entire domain controllers (Bare-metal restoration) from scratch.
  • Perform VMware virtual machine restoration.

For more details, reach out to us.

RecoveryManager Plus Team



RecoveryManager Plus – The enterprise backup and restoration solution

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