[ForYourInformation -57] An Introduction to Flexible Column Layout for Request and Release templates

[ForYourInformation -57] An Introduction to Flexible Column Layout for Request and Release templates

As you may know, the request template can be customized using different fonts, font sizes, font colors, background colors, and label orientation. Further templates can be customized at three levels: Template, Section, and Field.

In this article, we will be focusing on Section Customization. Beginning with version 12000 we have enhanced section customization and we have launched a few more additional layouts (Three column, Four column, and Flexible column), you can configure these layouts on Request (Incident & Service) and Release templates. 

Three and Four-column layout: As the name suggests these layouts organize the fields available in the section in three and four columns layout. It allows limited customizations like using different fonts, font sizes, bold/unbold, font color, and background color. 

Flexible column layout: Allows complete customization, you can configure the following options in a template section. 
Add up to 12 fields in a row: You can drag and drop 12 fields in a single row.

Remove fields: Hover over a field and click to remove them from the canvas.  The remaining fields re-align automatically to fit the flexible section's width.

Make smaller/bigger: Hover over the required field and click or increase/decrease the field width towards the corresponding direction.

Justify field width: Hover over a field and click to justify the width of all fields in the corresponding row.

Add relative fields: Hover over a field and click. Select the direction in which the field should be added. A field placeholder appears where you can drag and drop the required field.

Edit /Update fields: Click or double click on the edit field allows editing and updating field functions that also include Customizing font, font size and color, bold/unbold, and background color of the selected field.

Drag and drop fields: Drag and drop a field to any position in the section, even without a placeholder. The existing fields re-align automatically to fit the flexible section's width.

We request you to try these new enhancements and share your valuable feedback!

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