Flexible Netflow on Cisco Catalyst 3850E (IOS-XE 3.2.1)

Flexible Netflow on Cisco Catalyst 3850E (IOS-XE 3.2.1)

I have seen a lot of blogs and posts about Flexible Netflow on Catalyst 3K's and 4500's, but it seems as if some of the commands in these blogs are not available on the new Cisco Catalyst 3850E switch.  Also, there is a lot of variation from blog post to forum post on "what" commands should be configured.
I have created the following configuration but I haven't had a chance to test as this switch will not go into pilot until a few weeks from now and I do not have a test NFA box (I could set one up I suppose).
 match ipv4 protocol
 match ipv4 source address
 match ipv4 destination address
 match transport source-port
 match transport destination-port
 collect counter bytes long
 collect counter packets long
 collect timestamp absolute first
 collect timestamp absolute last
flow exporter SERVER1
 destination x.x.x.x
 source Vlan1
 transport udp 9996
 template data timeout 60
 option sampler-table
flow monitor NETFLOW_MONITOR
 exporter SERVER1
 cache timeout inactive 60
 cache timeout active 60

I am going to apply this to all of the ports on the switch so that I can monitor all traffic (Data and Voice VLAN).  Am I blatantly missing anything to achieve this? 



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