Finding %Java% installs across domain of hosts

Finding %Java% installs across domain of hosts

I need to know how to query for the installation of Java across our domain. Not a specific version, but something like %Java% so that it would find everything Java or Oracle and then list every host that has it installed. I don't necessarily need to know what version of Java is installed though that would be a nice benefit, to be honest. I've never used this tool and was given access to it today, however, only because nobody else really knows how to use it either. I was assuming that this would be an easy task, but I'm not finding it to be that straightforward.
I have tried using "
Computers with/without a specific Software" but that doesn't give me the results I need especially when needing to use variables. Can anybody help me find a way to do this? I just need to know which hosts across a span of about 800+ hosts have Oracle Java installed on them.

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