Finally upgraded to enhanced APD and need some help understanding what i am looking at

Finally upgraded to enhanced APD and need some help understanding what i am looking at

We finally upgraded to the new APD model. We upgraded from .190 to .239. What i am trying to understand is what am i looking at and the methodology in place so that i can track success, failures and how the process is developing during the actual deployment windows.

This is a test job I set up. I set it up yesterday (Aug 5th).  These screen shots are from the next day (August 6th)

When we go in the job we see the deployment summary which is 227 successes 

You can see in the configs this is set to deploy on the thursday in the third week of the month from 6PM until Midnight. This should be August 16th.

However when you look a little further you see that we have what looks like successful patching, and some failures yet we have not reached the desired deployment window.

If we go into one of the "Patching Complete" boxes we see that it has not patched since its last known patching deployment in July. So I don't think it patched as it should not have since it has not reached the Thursday during the third week,

What is also confusing is the email alerts about it also. this shows patching complete. What should i expect the next time this window opens up.

I also don't understand why some failed to even start. I was honestly expecting to see all of these in yet to deploy since we had not hit the window yet.

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