Hello. After the last update, file copying does not work again. I turned off the firewall and it didn't help. I see the following entries in the logs:
18:53:20 File transfer Command: 'FILETRANSFER INITIATE 20355843090580 616735 Qc9Mxa0t1l8B6RI9XBO1c89_ln1raM3H'
18:53:20 Start process : C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\rds\FileTransfer\dcfiletransfer.exe -dir
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\rds\FileTransfer" -clientId 616735 -ftKey 20355843090580 -tck Qc9Mxa0t1l8B6RI9XBO1c89_ln1raM3H
18:53:20 Read Line - EMPTY LINE !
18:53:22 File transfer Command: 'FILETRANSFER INITIATE 20111935477161 206721 Wxfd_Iwu3M8EVlbZeHIjWzcfAxLJwfOE'
18:53:22 Start process : C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\rds\FileTransfer\dcfiletransfer.exe -dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\UEMS_Agent\rds\FileTransfer" -clientId 206721 -ftKey 20111935477161 -tck Wxfd_Iwu3M8EVlbZeHIjWzcfAxLJwfOE
18:53:22 Read Line - EMPTY LINE !