File Monitor Does Not Create Alamrs

File Monitor Does Not Create Alamrs


I would like to setup OpManager to monitor several backup file logs by using the file monitors. I would like for them to notify us when a backup log indicates that it has detected an error, or a warning. I believe I will need at minimum - two file monitors per system to complete this. While this seems very straight forward and simple - I have not been able to complete this today and its been driving me crazy.

The backup files when generated are .xml files. I'm not sure if the "File monitor" utility can monitor .xml files, or it simply only monitors .txt files. I have converted the .xml file to a .txt file as a test but I still had no luck in getting it to report accurate information. 

Here is what I have entered into the file monitor:
(The full string of the file path is: D:\Program Files\EVault Software\Agent\Atlas_BM\BackupStatus.xml)

As you can see below, I have made two monitors - one monitors a .txt file, and the other monitors a .xml file - both seem to be reporting that the file is present, and that it is detected - but neither of the monitors are detecting any of the "search string" information entered into the "File Contains" field.. Both of these files should be failing or alarming me that there is an error in the log file.

The .XML file that I have having them monitor is below, bolded is the section that I would like to have them monitor. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JobStatus xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:agentdata="urn:agent-management-data-structures" xmlns:bans="urn:buagent-notification">
<agentdata: errors>1</agentdata:errors>

I read some place that in order to ensure that the "File Contains" or "Search String" works correctly, you would need the OpManager agent installed on the search where the logfile is kept. I have done this also, and I can see that it looks like it should be working - I think, anyways. 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958  SERVICE NOTIFICATION : Instant Service Notification Flag From Registry : false

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 SERVICE NOTIFICATION : Windows Instant Service Notification Is Disabled 
2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 scheduleQueryHashData :: query conf - gv_sortVec size: [2]

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 scheduleQueryHashData :: Inside for loop : queryInfo: { "wfname": "default", "interval": 1, "recordSetName": [ { "matchCase": "false", "consecutive_times": "1", "filePath": "D:\\Program Files\\EVault Software\\Agent\\Atlas_BM\\BackupStatus.xml", "searchString": "errors>1<", "MonitorId": "11290", "interval": 2, "Name": "File Monitoring", "useRegExp": "false", "alarm_severity": "1" } ], "order": 600 }

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 scheduleQueryHashData :: index: [0],interval [0] 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 Record Info : { "matchCase": "false", "consecutive_times": "1", "filePath": "D:\\Program Files\\EVault Software\\Agent\\Atlas_BM\\BackupStatus.xml", "searchString": "errors>1<", "MonitorId": "11290", "interval": 2, "Name": "File Monitoring", "useRegExp": "false", "alarm_severity": "1" } 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 SERVICE NOTIFICATION : Parsing Query Conf Data, Name : File Monitoring 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 The Global schedule Id is 2 
2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 scheduleQueryHashData :: Inside for loop : queryInfo: { "wfname": "default", "interval": 1, "recordSetName": [ { "matchCase": "false", "consecutive_times": "1", "filePath": "D:\\Program Files\\EVault Software\\Agent\\Atlas_BM\\BackupStatus.txt", "searchString": "errors>1<", "MonitorId": "11291", "interval": 1, "Name": "File Monitoring", "useRegExp": "false", "alarm_severity": "1" } ], "order": 600 }

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 scheduleQueryHashData :: index: [1],interval [0] 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 Record Info : { "matchCase": "false", "consecutive_times": "1", "filePath": "D:\\Program Files\\EVault Software\\Agent\\Atlas_BM\\BackupStatus.txt", "searchString": "errors>1<", "MonitorId": "11291", "interval": 1, "Name": "File Monitoring", "useRegExp": "false", "alarm_severity": "1" } 

2016/08/10  14:58:39:958 SERVICE NOTIFICATION : Parsing Query Conf Data, Name : File Monitoring 

Can anyone show me how they are using this File Monitor if it is working for them?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?